Understanding the Benefits of a Daily Routine for Aging Loved Ones
Maintaining a daily routine can be incredibly grounding, especially for seniors who are transitioning into assisted living. During a time of so much change and uncertainty, familiar routines give older adults a sense of comfort, continuity, and control. Many benefits of routines are psychological, but there are also several physical advantages.

From reduced stress to improved sleep, here are some of the top benefits of routines for people in assisted living.

Sometimes, seniors feel like they’ve lost control over their lives after moving into an assisted living community. Others are dependent on caregivers for most or all of their basic needs. Not knowing when or if a need will be met is understandably stressful.
Predictability lets seniors know what will be happening, how it will happen, and when it will take place. Physically, the body will also develop muscle memory for routine tasks.

Daily routines help seniors maintain physical and mental abilities
Aging can quickly impact how well a senior can complete small daily tasks like walking to the bathroom in the morning, getting dressed, and drinking a cup of coffee.

Fortunately, practice makes perfect. Repeatedly performing a physical or mental task increases the probability that those abilities will remain strong. A routine also gives seniors in assisted living the opportunity to do daily tasks in a calm, safe environment.

Routines let seniors maintain as much independence as possible

Regularly practiced activities, like eating breakfast at the same time every day or putting away laundry, can provide a boost to self-esteem.
Autonomy can also be comforting to seniors who are experiencing the early stages of cognitive decline. They may be aware of mental changes but are unable to stop them. Doing something independently increases confidence and can help them feel more control over their day.

Daily routines help caregivers, too

If your elderly loved one currently lives at home, and you are their caregiver, keeping a daily routine is still an excellent idea. They’ll get all of the benefits mentioned above, and your stress will also be reduced.
When (and if) you feel that exploring senior care options is the logical next step, consider learning more about how to start the conversation about senior care options. When you approach this sensitive topic with compassion and empathy, it’s much easier to maintain an open and honest dialogue about aging.

As a local nonprofit, The Argyle has brought high quality and affordable care to Denver’s seniors since 1874. To this day, our caring team remains committed to encouraging independence and preserving the dignity of every resident who calls our community home

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